Welcome to Bright IDEAS
Parents of children with cancer cannot avoid facing some challenging problems. However, effective problem-solving skills can help you feel that the problems are manageable and that you can find positive outcomes. These skills can also help give you a sense of being in control: a very important feeling to have when you are overwhelmed by your child’s cancer.
Actually, learning how to be a good problem solver is a skill that you can use throughout life not only to cope with cancer but also to cope with ANY problem—how to do your job better, how to run your household better, how to work with people in your family and community better. Many day-to-day life situations lend themselves to this careful, thoughtful problem solving strategy.
Good problem solving comes naturally to some people, but for most of us, it takes understanding the system and practice. Our program is designed to help you feel optimistic that you can solve the problems you face—this is the Bright in Bright IDEAS—and the first step toward success. Then we help you learn the basic steps of problem solving itself, which spell the word IDEAS. I for Identify the problem, D for Define your options, E for Evaluate your options and pick the best option or solution for you, A for Act, that is try out the solution you picked, and S for See if it worked. If the outcome was as good as you hoped, then it’s time to move on to another problem. But, if the solution really wasn’t good enough, the program helps you try another solution from your list or think up a new solution entirely. Sometimes you have to try out two, three, or more plans until you’re satisfied that your problem has been solved.
Again, welcome to the Bright IDEAS Problem-Solving Skills Training program.

Parents Booklet
Download the Parent's Booklet to learn more about Bright IDEAS. This booklet contains printable worksheets and an example problem.